Sunday, 9 May 2010

Build update

I just realised how long it has been since I last posted an update on the dojo build. My only excuse is simply that there's been a lot going on over the past couple of months and doesn't time fly! So how is the dojo coming along I hear you ask? Well we have been training regularly in jujitsu and goshinjitsu at the Budokan in Naha for several months now and have a good core group attending regularly. I'm very happy with the effort and progress the guys are making and they obviously enjoy the sessions. There's a lot, lot more I want to do to explore, learn and teach but that's a whole other very long conversation. However turning to the dojo construction project at my house things have slowed down considerably due to lack of time and money. The quotes to get a contractor in to do the build were just too expensive so its back to the self build option. But the process of scouting around for quotes and meeting various people in the local building trade here has given me a few good contacts. I have been asking these guys to keep an eye out for excess or recycled building materials so I can keep costs down to a minimum. So as batches of materials become available I will nab them on the cheap and build bit by bit as it becomes possible. So how long until the dojo is built? It could be a while but in a way I quite like the idea of that, building it bit by bit, by hand. Both English and Japanese languages share the sentiment of the value of 'putting your heart into something' (in Japanese kokoro komette tsukuru) to produce something special. I would like to feel I had done that with my dojo.

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